INO Whitelist
For those who wish to become an early minter
Users who pass an INO whitelist can mint a Sky membership pass for $500 instead of the usual $1,000.
Conditions for passing the white list
Those who have published articles or tweeted official information in an easy-to-understand and concise manner
Translated official information into various languages, posted articles, and tweeted about it
Other; self-recommendation/recommended by others
The above is just examples and not limited to it.
Self-recommendation/recommended by others
We encourage you to self-nominate or recommend users who you feel are qualified to receive the white list. Examples might include:
Persons who seem to have a deep interest in Sky Web3 Vision
People, groups, organizations, etc. that can be expected to increase the of Sky Web3 Vision by passing on a whitelist of 5 to 50 users
White List Summary can be provided in bulk
If you know of any person, group, or organization that you believe would benefit from greater visibility of Sky Web3 Vision, please self-nominate them or recommend them to others. Please contact us on Discord.
How to earn White List
Please register with zealy.
Users who meet the whitelist criteria will be announced on Discord/Twitter as needed.
The whitelist is a grant against the wallet address and is non-transferable. Please note that you will not have WL rights if you have a different connected wallet at the time of purchase.
Last updated